What is there to do?
One of the best aspects of homeschooling is the FREEDOM! Homeschooling allows families the freedom to use the world as their classroom - and field trips are an essential part of making that happen!
Homeschoolers love field trips for so many reasons:
- It is a great opportunity for both you and the children to spend time with friends and to make lasting connections with other local homeschoolers.
- It gets us out learning - learning while doing, seeing, touching, and hearing. And real life learning through field trips will capture a child’s interest which may provide a more fulfilling educational experience.
- It’s a gateway to making special and lasting memories as a family.
Searching locally? Let us help you find one of the many great field trip opportunities in your area!
Want to find that perfect enhancement to a trip you are planning? How nice would it be to have a searchable field trip finder to help you plan your visit.
In every community, there are fabulous field trip opportunities that will enhance your homeschooling journey! We have found over 8,000 great experiences all organized by city and state!
With your membership you get access to it all!